Child protection
We welcome and promote local and international laws regarding the prevention of exploitation of minors, child pornography and sex tourism involving minors as well as the protection of the human rights of children and adolescents, and in general all those who reach out to care and protect vulnerable populations.
In Colombia: Laws 679 (2001) and 1336 (2009). In Panama: Article 187 of the Penal Code.
Minors exiting Colombia
The new Code for Children and Adolescents establishes additional information for minors leaving the country.
Law 1098 of 2006 came into force in May 8, 2007 and implements the Code for Children and Adolescents, that in Article 110 paragraph 1 textually says:
"When a boy, a girl or teenager is going to leave the country with one parent or with someone other than their legal representative they must obtain prior permission from the party that will not travel with them, or from those parties duly authenticated by a notary public or consular authority".
The law also requires new information is provided: the permit must contain the destination, purpose of travel and date of exit and entry back to the country.
The Colombian DAS department thanks the parents and travel agencies for their collaboration in providing this new information required by law to authorize children to leave the country, which aims to protect them.
If you want more detailed information about minors exiting Colombia, please visit:
Please take into account:
Minors traveling with the new Colombian passport must present an authentic and legible photocopy of their birth certificate to the Immigration Authorities in Colombia.
Permission template for children leaving the country
I AUTHORIZE THE EXIT FROM COLOMBIA, of my child __________________, identified with Birth Certificate No. _____________ (serial number); with DESTINATION ______________; TRAVEL MOTIVE ______________ (leisure travel, medical treatment, etc.); who will LEAVE in the period understood as between ____________ (day / month / year) and WILL RETURN on the ______________ (day / month / year) of the present year.
GRANTOR(S): SIGNATURE AND FINGERPRINT, COMPLETE NAMES AND LASTNAMES, COLOMBIAN CÉDULA NUMBER for Colombian citizens and the corresponding ID card number for foreign nationals from their country.
Protection of Cultural Heritage of Colombia
"ARCO JM is committed to protecting cultural goods avoiding the destruction, damage, misuse or illegal exploitation in accordance with the provisions of Law 397 of 1997, Article 15 of the Colombian national heritage."
ARCO JM, as inbound Travel Agency for Japanese market, committed to the development and country promoting, improving image and strengthening Colombian-Japanese relations, has been working since 2006 to promote inbound tourism in Colombia, responsibly with the protection and conservation of the environment.
Promoting and supporting documentaries Japanese audiovisual productions that are part of the recognition and disclosure of our natural heritage, Ethnic and cultural.
Additionally accompany entrepreneurs as partners, who visit us, to contribute to the economic development of our country, offering in compliance with law 15/2012.
ARCO JM also is committed to the conservation of renewable natural resources and